Make yourself at home.

Hello from Texas,

Where do I begin?

Or a better question—how can I help at a time like this?

Over the past seven years, through books, I’ve built a unique community of people that share a very particular mindset. So I’m going stick with what I’m good at and put it to some use.

I have a few ideas to share with you…

How I can help:

From now until June 12th my work is available to read in the Kindle Unlimited program.

Last week I enrolled all of my novels with the exception of The Book Doctor as it is up for pre-order elsewhere and Bedrock which I cannot contractually include as I give it away for free on my website.

If you aren’t a KU partaker, Amazon offers a free 60-day trial.

Ways in which we might all help: 

  1. Use this time to write some positive, long-overdue online reviews on Amazon, Apple Books, B&N, Google or Yelp for your favorite independent creators and small businesses. If you can swing it, you can leave a review for my work here. Simply login and scroll through your purchases until you land on the book you intend to review. Two lines will do. As you know, humans are social creatures who feed on social proof, so believe me when I say reviews are the lifeblood of any indie or small business.
  2. Give vulnerable businesses a follow or a share on their social media accounts. Make sure you are connected to them even at a distance so they stay on your radar.
  3. Instead of being glued to bad headlines, read fiction. Reading fiction improves brain connectivity and function. And when you’re not reading, use the internet (or your phone as a phone :)) to check up on the people and places most precious to you. Maybe your local theatre or museum has set up a live streaming service. Maybe they’ve put something new in place so you can support them from afar. Maybe an old friend could use an ear. Personally, I’ve been sending inappropriate jokes to mixed reviews. Maybe don’t do that.
  4. Buy a gift card to your favorite restaurant.
  5. If you’re a whiz online and have the extra time on your hands, consider helping a small Mom & Pop shop set up an online presence with an Instagram account or Facebook page.

I want you to know that you can always reach out to me at or find me on Instagram and Facebook. I’m waiting by the inbox.

The ways in which we live through this will change every day, but one thing will stay the same: we’re all in this together.

With love and a big digital hug,


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  1. Jim Welke says:

    Hope all is well.

    1. Britney King says:

      Thanks, Jim. All is well. Wishing the same for you.

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