Say What?

“A thousand times I’ve loved him and equally as many plotted his death. But never anything in between. I’m not capable of love by halves. He taught me that.” — Britney King, Water Under The Bridge

I’m interrupting my usual editorial schedule because it can’t wait another week for me to tell you that iBooks has chosen Water Under The Bridge as one of Fall’s Most Anticipated Romances. 🙂 And I’m all… say what? Also, I’m answering questions below.


This may or may not be a good time to mention that this novel is not really mainstream romance (I prefer to disappoint as few readers as possible and people get super picky over this) but that it should safely fall within the romantic suspense genre. 🙂

Aside from that, I’ve been getting a ton of email with questions which I appreciate. I think a FAQ page might be in order. Soon. 

In the meantime, here’s one from Aura.

She writes:

I have two basic questions I would like to ask you:

1.  Could you please share your path as a writer?

2.  If you would have had the experience you have today, what would you have done differently during that journey?

A: Aura, below is an excerpt from an email which is included as part of a welcome series that goes out to my email list. 

1. As an author, I write because creating stories is how I make sense of the world, and how I have fun 🙂 But it wouldn’t be possible without readers who enjoy the books, so as an extra thank you, I want to tell you a bit about who I am and WHY I started writing novels…
Like many avid readers, I fell in love with books and storytelling at an early age. In fact, I can actually remember the first time I learned to read a full sentence and the way something ‘just clicked’ as I began to put the story together in my mind. I guess it was that special. 🙂 Speaking of that, the Sweet Valley Twins Series will always hold a special place in my heart as those books helped me through a rather tumultuous childhood. It was the first time I recall understanding life could really be and look different. At the time, I had no idea I’d one day be VERY surprised with twins of my own. The irony. 🙂
But, while reading no doubt gave me hope and new vantage point from which to see the world, it was writing that saved me, time and time again. First, as a teenage mom, when I went from being an outgoing and popular student to one who suddenly found herself with few friends and who was lonely trying to navigate a very different life than her peers and the one she’d imagined all those years ago reading the innocent and charming Sweet Valley books. 
Most recently though, writing saved me in 2012 when I lost my brother (and only sibling) quite unexpectedly. Up until that point, I’d talked about writing a book, with the ultimate goal of becoming a novelist, but I’d always thought of it in the abstract. I thought there would be a better time, and specifically more of it— in the future— when my children got a little older. His death taught me (among many things) that there are no guarantees in life and it’s too short not to get on with doing that which you’ve always wanted to do.
Seven months later, my first book was almost finished when I lost my Grandmother (who raised me) and actually the last conversation we had was her telling me that she was proud of me for finally ‘making it happen’. “I just hope it’s good,” I told her. “Well, it must be,” she said, “If they’re publishing it.” She didn’t quite understand self-publishing. 😉 And I didn’t know there wouldn’t be another opportunity to explain it. 

Eventually, I got around to writing a novel about loss and grief and overcoming the things we never expect. It’s actually one of the books I’m most proud of. You can find details about it here. It also happens to be free right now. 
That said, these days as a writer, my focus is on darker stuff— psychological thrillers set in suburbia, and that’s where I plan to stay. At least for the foreseeable future.

2. First, I would’ve started sooner. Secondly, I would’ve developed a thicker skin a lot quicker than I have. At the same time— if I’m being completely honest (without trying to be discouraging) I wish I would’ve understood how tough the book business can be and prepared myself accordingly. Not to say it would have mattered. When I want something, I want it… but still. This will likely mean something different for each writer individually… but as an indie author you’re managing all aspects of your business and balancing it all in a climate that literally changes every day can be challenging. But then, life is too short not to pursue your dreams. I hope this helps and I wish you the best on your journey. Keep me posted.


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