Feedback 4/5

“It’s funny how things seem to have a way of finding their way around, out, and through.” —Britney King, The Social Affair

This month I wanted to talk about feedback. I love people who go above and beyond like the reader below…

Those are the kind of people you want on your team.

Hello Mrs/s King!

First of all, thank you for taking the time to open my email and read this. I’m a little nervous! I just wanted to send an email your way and thank you for offering one of your books for free! I downloaded Bedrock and I am LOVING it! You are a new to me author and this book has turned a new leaf for me and allowing me to read a new genre that I have never once been interested in before. I follow you on Twitter and all sorts of other forms of social media and I am really impressed with how you talk to your readers! A lot of authors don’t take the time like you do to type out emails and give us new updates on things you’re reading. I’ve saved quite a lot of your recommendations to my Goodreads TBR. They all look so good! Especially “The Blackbird Season” and “Liar” by KL Slater. Please continue to let us know what is on your Kindle. I’m finding so many new novels because of this.

I stumbled upon one of your posts about joining the ARC team… I’ve never been a part of one, but after reading Bedrock, I think I might gain up the courage. Thank you for being such an amazing author and thank you for your words! I can’t wait to see what you come out with next!

An avid fan,


Dear C,

I love your feedback. Thank you so very much for writing. It’s always nice to know what readers enjoy… this way I know what to do more of. ?

As for my advanced reader team, I no longer just accept anyone.

That said, I would be honored to have you.

Here is the gist: It’s important to get early copies in the hands of people who are likely to enjoy them. The team is comprised of my most loyal readers.The main point of an ARC team is to garner early feedback and catch errors before a novel is published. Early reviews are important for social proof and to satisfy algorithms.

That about covers it. If you’re still interested, please fill out the info here.

Thank you again,


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